Allways Live Well with Amanda Luukinen, Certified Wellness Coach

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11 Spiritual Self-Care Tools that are Free

Spiritual self-care is really about the inner work, being present, open, non-judgmental, and connected to your true self.

I won’t argue that spiritual self-care tools can be more deeply understood and beneficial by working with a coach or guide (like myself). However, once you learn to integrate the tools, they can always be free!

Here are 11 spiritual self-care tools you can start using today, totally free!

  1. Meditate

    Meditation has been well researched for its spiritual benefits, as well as its incredible mental, emotional, and physical benefits. You can simply set a timer and sit in silence observing your thoughts. If that doesn’t sound great to you, I highly recommend short, guided meditations especially if you’re a beginner or find it really hard to sit in silence. Here are 4 of my favorite guided meditations.

  2. Pray / Spiritual conversation

Send a request to the Universe/God/Spirit (insert the name you prefer) to support and guide you, or as an act of gratitude for literally anything! For example, if you’re struggling with a situation, your prayer can begin with, “Hello Universe, please help me see this situation more clearly.”

3. Write a letter to the universe

Similar to praying, but using pen and paper. It can help to think of this as opening up a spiritual conversation. Since the act of handwriting requires full concentration, you can be engaged and present.

4. Ground in nature

Grounding is a self-soothing technique where you connect your physically body to the ground or to nature. Walking or standing barefoot in grass, sitting against a tree, dipping your toes in the ocean or a stream. Something that connects your physical body directly to nature and the spiritual Earth.

5. Cleanse

If you’re feeling stuck energy or difficult emotions, purifying yourself can help to “cleanse” away the negativity/density and bring more harmony and balanced energy to you. Take a shower or bath. Or imagine giving yourself a “light” bath (I can teach you this in a coaching session).

6. Set boundaries

What/Who is draining your energy, consuming too much time, or making you feel disconnected from yourself or your beliefs? Start to identify these things so you can set healthy boundaries and maintain your spiritual practices and beliefs.

Get my super simple 4 step guide to creating boundaries that work!

7. Find magic in the mundane

This will train you to look for signs, synchronicities, and trust your intuition. Look for small moments of magic, joy, and pleasure in the normal or even boring parts of your day. Trust me, they are there, you just need to be open to them. I believe the Universe loves to communicate with you in this way (and I’ve seen enough to believe!).

8. Rituals

These bring meaning to normal activities that you might otherwise pass off as boring or mundane. You can set up rituals for just about anything, it doesn’t just have to be the new moon/full moon, special events, or holidays. It’s a way to create a deeper spiritual connection and care for your spiritual self. I’ve been creating my own spiritual rituals for the past 8 years, and facilitated rituals for women’s circles/groups for the past 5 years. They are a must for a deepening spiritual practice.

If you want to experience rituals and learn to create your own that are deeply meaningful, I teach women how to do this in my 3-month program.

You can also download my free New Moon & Full Moon guided rituals & playlist.

9. Clean up

It’s hard to feel connected in a cluttered or dusty space. Your energy will be scattered. Tidy and clean up your living and working space to help promote clarity and a good flow of energy.

10. Move your body

Your body is your vehicle for this human life. And if you believe you are a spiritual being having a human experience, you want to care for your human body! Get moving in a way that feels good and promotes a healthy body.

11. Ask for a sign

Signs are one of the ways the Universe communicates. Send out a clear request for whatever it is you need. Ask to be shown a sign as confirmation that you’re on the right path.

You see, spiritual self-care can be free. Which one will you try today?

If you’re looking to better identify, understand, and deepen your spiritual beliefs and connection to your inner spiritual guidance, reach out to me and see how I can help you take this further and make the most out of your spiritual self-care.

More blogs about spirituality:

How My Spiritual Practice Keeps me out of Depression

An Exclusive Look at my Spiritual Journey: Watch the Live Interview here