Learn to Love Well

8-weeks to your healthiest, most loving relationship!

The next-level 1:1 course for women desiring committed love.

What if there was another way to the healthier love you desire?

No games, no tricks.

A true transformation. That lasts.

I’m here to show you how…

With a proven method to transform your love life, from the inside out.

I’ve been where you are.

9 years ago I was newly single and desperate for change.

I transformed my life and my relationships through this exact process. And met my life partner just a few months after!

Now I’ve successfully led over 30 women from all around the world through this life-changing course. With 100% satisfaction rate.

Read their heartfelt testimonials below.

And trust this can be you, too.



“Amanda's support was unwavering and knowing I had that safe space to be able to share whatever it was I was moving through, and be met with heartfelt openness and love was so precious. Having Amanda there by my side throughout it, was something I'll be eternally grateful for.

I've talked non-stop to friends about how life-changing this course has been for my personal growth.

This course was beyond anything I could've dreamed of, and I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. x”


This is the best thing I’ve done for myself in ages. Before the course, I was feeling stuck in the life I'd cultivated post-divorce... I knew in my heart I wanted to be open to loving someone again.

Amanda provided me some of the best guidance and feedback I've ever had.

I cannot thank her enough for helping me shift my thinking and attitude, which has had a profound effect on my actions and behaviours."


“Before, I protected myself by building walls and self-hate and no matter how many self-help books I had read, they never truly penetrated the depths of my agony. Going on this journey with Amanda has completely changed the way I feel towards myself.

There is now a light within, an understanding, a deep love for myself and an openness to love again with healthy boundaries. It was the guidance and exceptional support from Amanda that I was able to go even further and truly find the woman who I was meant to be.

This experience has given me strength, belief and love for myself, as well as to be open to love another worthy of my love. Thank you Amanda x”


"This course has been incredibly life-changing and transformative. Amanda guided me from creating a clear intention of what I wanted... to helping me fully realize that intention.

And I am noticing the effects of my growth not only in my relationship with myself, but also in my love relationship.

I am so glad I made it happen for me. Because without it, I wouldn't be where I am today."


One of the most beautiful gifts I’ve given myself. Amanda has been the light we all needed... an absolutely brilliant guide.

I know that I am getting closer to become the woman I really am inside.

I have learnt to open my heart and acknowledge all the love surrounding me."


This has been a life changing experience!

Honestly after the first session with Amanda I was completely inspired by this (intention), it’s like something clicked in my mind instantly! I started making change from that day and I’ve seen so my benefits come from my consistency.

I’m way more hopeful, positive and confident when it comes to love. And everything I have learned has some full circle and benefitted me in basically all areas of my life.

Thank you Amanda! Your wisdom, guidance and patience were key to my journey.


“I am extremely grateful for this course and to Amanda as I have come out of the other side with a transformed heart.

This self-love is what’s going to set me up to navigate this next phase of my life as a single mom… I’ve been able to set up a safe, loving foundation for our little family through the healing I’ve done doing this course, and that’s something no one could ever take away from me.

Amanda is the perfect anchor of the course. She was there for me every step of the way, as I navigated the hard as well as the light.”


“Believe me you will not regret such an investment in your life.

It called me forward to create the life that I desired with the relationships around me. My life is different because of it.

This transformational experience wouldn't have happened without the accountability of Amanda.”


"It gave me the courage to face my wounds and heal them... so that I can let the pure, loving, and creative self out. And shine with confidence.

I look forward to continuously growing and seeing myself being authentic, vibrant, and strong."


“Amanda's support has been a blessing. She’s trustworthy and I felt heard. She was there for me not only during our weekly calls, but especially during times that felt heavy - one of them being when I had to say goodbye to a relationship.

This course encouraged me to truly envision a life with a partner - something I’d prevented myself from doing.

I became my own best friend, lover, and parent. It sounds heavy, but I feel very proud of myself.”


“This experience has changed my life in so many ways.

I am no longer a victim to past experiences and catch myself when that victim mentality surfaces... I've learned to love myself and learned to love well!

I also offered my 27-year-old daughter the opportunity to take the course… A special mother/daughter experience. Our experience shows that the course is helpful to women of all ages and I highly recommend it to everyone.

Thank you so much Amanda!!!!!”


“I have loved my journey through this with Amanda.

I’ve especially loved the rituals and her holding space for me to feel all my emotions.

I feel as though I’m a better version of myself and I love her.”


“It was a beautiful experience which helped me to tap into a lot of what I already knew but in a deeper form, and gave me the outlet to put it into practice daily.

I found with the constant practice and homework it really allowed change to happen internally and I feel more at peace overall.

I have already recommended this course to many of my friends.”


“As someone who's been married for more than a decade, the 8 week journey brought me to deeper exploration of myself, and my marriage.

Over the years of juggling responsibilities and children… "Learn to Love Well" called me to myself - learning to fall in love with me again… the real me, not the mom, or the wife, the friend, or some employee.

Amanda is such an amazing coach and it's like she's able to help me flip a switch in my head… When that internal shift happened within me, like some magic, things within my marriage shifted too.

The best gift I can give to myself.”


"I feel a tremendous shift in my journey of healing and transformation.

I said this to a close friend recently, that I would recommend this course to everyone, really.... for how profoundly it has impacted me and my outlook, not only on love and relationships, but life.

Amanda, is simply the best. She is someone I can trust and count on. Her approach is genuine, kind, loving, and at the same time practical, wise, and very supportive.”


Despite my skeptical nature, I decided to approach this course with a whole heartedly open mind willing to give each and every new thing I learnt a fair shot without letting my personal opinions cloud my judgement too much.

The change was gradual and so remarkable… at the end of the course I was definitely NOT the same person.

Amanda was there with me every step of the way. She helped me push myself in order to make the necessary changes to live my life in alignment with my intentions and I will be forever grateful to that.

I’ve always know about the power of an intention but never had I felt it as much as I did whilst taking this course! A worthwhile investment indeed!


“I have seen improvement in family relationships, the start of a happy romantic relationship and most importantly, a greater sense of peace in the relationship with myself.

Amanda was a pivotal part of this course. She came from a place of love, support and openness. This allowed me to feel safe in sharing personal topics, and I always felt so much better and happier after speaking to Amanda. She is a true gift and I am so grateful.

Thank you Amanda!”

Do any of these sound like you?

  • afraid to open your heart

  • can’t seem to fully let go of the past, even though you’ve tried

  • disappointed in dating and frustrated with apps

  • hesitant to “put yourself out there”

  • confused by all the popular self-help lingo

  • feeling like your expectations are always too high or too low

  • worried you’ll never meet your soul mate

  • or fear that time is running out for you?

Now, imagine how it would feel to:

  • deeply trust yourself in dating, intimacy, & relationships

  • create healthy boundaries that bring love in

  • end toxic patterns & attachments

  • make peace with your past

  • radically forgive yourself & others

  • commit to your healthiest, most fulfilling relationship

  • deeply love yourself no matter your “relationship status”

I believe you deserve the love you’ve been longing for. I’ll show you how to be fully ready for it.

Deep personal work is confronting and challenging.

Through “Learn to Love Well,” your heart will be safely held while you learn, grow, and transform into the woman you long to be… in life and in love.

The “Learn to Love Well” journey

You’ll be fully supported every day of this journey, with personalized, on-demand guidance.

Here’s a sneak peek of the transformative journey that awaits you:

Week 1

Ground your Intention

  • Establish your life-changing intention

  • Begin taking full ownership of your life

  • Take back your creative power

Week 2

Prepare for Love

  • Uncover the cultural conditioning that’s influencing your beliefs about love

  • Prepare your heart to open up to a new level

  • Envision the love you desire and begin taking action towards it

Week 3

Complete your Past

  • Let go of past attachments that hold you back from the possibility of love

  • Experience radical forgiveness

  • Redefine who you are in relationship to the wounds you’ve experienced

Week 4

Heal your Wounds

  • Understand how your childhood experiences have shaped your adult relationships

  • Identify limiting beliefs that block you from love

  • Reframe how you get your needs met

Week 5

Create Possibility

  • Create a grounded vision of deeply fulfilling love in your life

  • Clarify your purpose and who you desire to be in relationship with

  • Sharpen your intuition to promote healthy choices in relationships

Week 6

Awaken your New Identity

  • Examine your ability to commit to yourself first

  • Address selfishness and how to give to yourself and others

  • Open up to deeper sexual & emotional intimacy

Week 7

Build a New Foundation

  • Practice maturity and generosity towards those you have blamed

  • Identify your patterns in communication & improve your connection with others

  • Discover how to take full responsibility in all your relationships

Week 8

Live a Life of Love

  • Increase your capacity to experience pure joy & magic!

  • Transform your mindset from “me” to “we”

  • Center in your wisest, most loving self

  • Begin taking bold action to create possibilities for love

This course is for you if:

  • you’re ready for next-level love!

  • you love a good self-help book (you’ll read a NY Times best seller in the course)

  • you’re open to spirituality (any level/belief)

  • you’re committed to your growth and ask for help when you need it

This course is not for you if:

  • you’re looking for a shortcut to find love

  • you can’t stand reading and journaling

  • you won’t prioritize 20-30 minutes/day for yourself

  • you’re not willing to self-reflect or grow

Your investment in “Learn to Love Well” is an investment in you.

One that will pay dividends in all your relationships, including your relationship with yourself.

For years to come!

Payment Options

Premium Pay in Full: $1,997 ($3,300 value)

or 3 payments of $697


- 9x Private 60-minute Coaching Sessions

- 24/7 Supported private platform & app

Light Pay in Full: $1,197

or 3 payments of $427


- 8 weeks daily WhatsApp text/audio support

- 24/7 Supported private platform & app

couple holding hands on walk in ubud, bali

“Learn to Love Well,” is based on a life-changing book course I completed 9 years ago.

It completely changed my beliefs about love.

I started my “Learn to Love Well” journey when I was single and stuck. I wanted more from life and from love.

At that time, I was desperate to heal my past and create a new future. I kept finding myself in relationships that ended in heart-break and frustration. I longed for a deeply nourishing, committed, and loving relationship, but I just didn’t know how to get there.  

I completed the book course alone. And while it was deeply healing and transformational (soon after I met the love of my life in a totally “magical” way), I longed for support from someone who knew what I was going through.  

It was so hard to do it alone. 

I created ‘Learn to Love Well’ to give you the support you need every step of the way while you learn to create the healthiest relationship you’ve ever had!

Since my life-changing experience, I’ve also completed the course with the author, and have led over 30 women through this exact process.

And it works.

Expect transformation. It happens here.


  • Certified International Health Coach (IIN 2015, IAHC 2023)

  • Reiki II certified

  • Intuitive Tarot certified

  • Professional Educator


Am I guaranteed to find love?

There are no guarantees in this course… or in life. This course is designed to truly open and prepare you to create a loving, romantic partnership.

Due to the nature of this course (and most all self-improvement), your success will mainly be determined by what you put into the course. I will support and guide you throughout, but I cannot do the work for you. Your success is ultimately up to you.

Does my location matter?

You can join Learn to Love Well anywhere you are in the world. Thanks to technology, the entire course is delivered virtually through Zoom and the online learning platform & app.

Do I need to be single?

You can be single, dating, or in a relationship throughout the course. The course is meant to create the fulfilment of deeper love in your life.

Who will be supporting me?

The course is facilitated by me, Certified Health Coach, Amanda Luukinen. I have successfully led women through this course for 4 years, and worked with over 500 women from diverse backgrounds, religions, beliefs, and relationships. I have also completed the full course three times myself, before I met my partner, during our relationship, and with the author of the book course. I know it very well!

While the book course (“Calling in the One”) will be the crux of this course, you will benefit the most from the personalized 1:1 coaching, accountability platform, and additional practices.

What will the coaching sessions cover?

I take a personalized approach to coaching. You get to design the session to fit your personal needs at that time.

Coaching sessions can include guided meditations, breathwork, intuitive movement, intuitive card readings, etc., in addition to support and guidance for your needs at that time.

1:1 coaching sessions are said to be the greatest added value of this course.

When will the sessions be?

You will schedule your 1:1 session for 1 day/time, which will repeat weekly for the duration of the course. Session recordings are available to download and save. Sessions are in addition to your 24/7 online accountability platform where you can get daily feedback.

How does the WhatsApp support work?

In place of 1:1 sessions, you’ll have access to WhatsApp support (text and voicenotes) to help guide you through your transformation. This is in addition to your 24/7 online accountability platform where you’ll get daily feedback.

Do I need to be spiritual or religious?

In short, no. All belief systems are welcome.

There are mentions of spiritual principles and “God” in the course, however myself and the author share the same approach: this is an invitation to be open-minded and curious, while exercising full autonomy to experience “God” in whatever way feels best to you. A simple strategy is to replace “God” with another word that resonates with you (e.g. spirit, universe, love, higher self, etc.).

I’ll meet you where you are.

What is the refund policy?

If you are deeply unsatisfied with the Learn to Love Well course at any time, you may request in writing to discontinue. There will be no refunds for completed portions of the course. Pro-rata refunds for the remaining portion of the course may be provided upon demonstration that every activity has been completed to date.

If at any point in time the facilitator deems the course to be inappropriate or unhelpful for the client, in her professional opinion, the course will be discontinued and a pro-rata refund may be issued. All refunds are at the discretion of the course facilitator (Amanda Luukinen).

It is common to experience a “vulnerability hangover” once you decide to do deep healing work (a.k.a. “freaking out”). It’s a coping mechanism to help you hide from being vulnerable. This course will also allow you to meet your vulnerability and work through it rather than hide from it.

Is this course for women only?

At this time, Learn to Love Well is for people who identify as women, as this is my area of expertise and the viewpoint of the author who's book we’ll read.

How much is my investment?

I promise to provide responsible and transparent rates. Payment plans are available.

8-week 1:1 Course = Premium $1,997, Light $1,197

Your investment will be collected upon acceptance into the course after your Consultation.

Currency Converter

What happens after the 8 weeks?

You have an opportunity to join the next Learn to Love Well Advancedcourse and a discount on 1:1 coaching to continue aligning with your intention and expanding love in your life!