Allways Live Well with Amanda Luukinen, Certified Wellness Coach

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Savor Each Moment

If you follow me on social media you likely saw the recent announcement of my upcoming journey to Southeast Asia!  

This is a wild new chapter of life that is about to unfold. 

I’ve been tempted to allow my mind to drift into the future.  Worrying, wishing, hoping, planning, panicking, rejoicing; a roller coaster of emotions that can be expected when making a major life change.

What I’ve come to realize over the past several weeks since I made the commitment is that living in the future has created a bundle of stress and anxiety

I’ve jolted myself out of bed in the wee hours of the morning flooded with questions:

“Where will I sleep?  Who will I meet?  Will I be safe?  What if I fail?  How will I learn to speak Thai?  How can I say goodbye to my friends and family?  Wait, why am I stressed?  All this anxiety for what?  This is an amazing opportunity and I should be grateful not stressed!  Shut up, brain.  Go back to sleep.”

On a sunset walk the other night, I stopped myself to look around at the candy-colored sky, the towering palm trees, the Hollywood mansions, and the easily recognizable street signs. 

I stood there for a moment taking it all in, soaking up the moment. 

Pure bliss rushed through my body.  I must have looked silly standing there in the street, gazing up at the sky and smiling.  I told myself, “I am so blessed right here, right now.  There won’t be many more nights just like this.  Remember this feeling and this incredible view.  Imprint it in your memory.”

I took a moment to reflect on how many comforts I have right now.   I spend each day in one of the most abundant, thriving cities in the world.  The street signs are posted in English and allow me to easily navigate.  I can jump in my car and drive anywhere I choose.  I get to lay my body on an undeniably comfortable memory foam mattress and down feather pillow each night.  Organic, nourishing food is always available.  My dear friends just a short drive away.  I have no reason to be anxious.

I decided in that instant that I must make a constant effort to live in the present.  We owe it to ourselves to savor each moment, because there will never be another moment the same as the present.  It’s the great wonder of being human. 

We are constantly shifting, changing, growing.  There are no identical moments in this life. 

I can go back to that exact spot on the street in Hollywood, but I won’t be the same person.  It will never be the exact same moment.

I challenge you to savor each moment of this life.  Take it in.  Allow yourself to feel it.  No matter how it feels, just feel it.  Flow with it. 

Life is ever-changing, unpredictable, and undeniably beautiful.  Savor each moment.