Avocado Toast - a Perfect Post-Period Meal (Follicular Phase)

The Follicular Phase is the first 7-10 days after your menstrual phase (period) ends.  Hormone levels are at their lowest and begin to rise during this phase. This results in gradually increasing energy levels which need proper fuelling.

You’re likely to be feeling lighter just after your period, so the focus will be on eating fresh, light foods.  Veggies, lean proteins, and quality grains will provide long-lasting energy.  Healthy fats, such as avocado and cashews, can help to increase cervical mucus production.

Lightly cooking food or opting to keep some foods raw is also beneficial for the follicular phase. Additionally, pickled cabbage and other fermented foods help the body metabolize estrogen, which is rising during this phase.

This is a simple favourite that will have you feeling fresh and vibrant, and support this phase of your cycle.

Zesty Avocado Toast

Serves: 1


2 slices fresh whole wheat bread, sugar free if possible

1 ripe avocado

Juice of 1 small lime

2 tbsp cashews, roughly chopped

2 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped

Pinch sea salt (to taste)

Pinch cracked black pepper (to taste)

2 tbsp pickled cabbage


Cut open the avocado around the middle and remove the seed.  Scoop out the inner fruit with a spoon and place in a small bowl.  Add lime juice and mash together (lemon juice is fine as a substitute).

Toast the two slices of bread.  Spread mashed avocado on top of toasted bread.  Sprinkle cashews and parsley on toast.  Season with salt and pepper as desired. Add 1 tbsp pickled cabbage on top of each piece of toast (with vinegar “juice” drained so the bread doesn’t become soggy).

Serve immediately.

Ready to take it to the next level and deeply understand your menstrual cycle and intuitively flow with your hormones? Your next step is my on-demand course, ‘Flow.” Get all the details here.


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