Allways Live Well with Amanda Luukinen, Certified Wellness Coach

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9 Steps to a Thankful Day

“The more you thank life, the more life gives you to be thankful for.” 

I’ve made it a point over the last year of my life to start my day by giving thanks.  And to do my best to continue thoughts of thankfulness throughout the day.  

Whether good or bad, we can be thankful for every situation in our lives.  Think about it, how thankful are you right now that we can connect through the internet and share this idea?  

If you’re reading this, it means you are likely somewhere safe, you have enough resources to access the internet, and you have something to be thankful for.

Since I've made the effort to start each day in a mindset of thankfulness, I have noticed a shift in the way I react to situations in my life, as well as what I actually invite into my life.  Even my friends have noticed a shift in me.

You can give thanks to anyone and anything you feel called to do so, whether it be the Universe; God; your parents, friends, or pet; the walls of your home for protecting you through the night; the sun for shining that day; or simply yourself for waking up and accepting the challenge of a brand new day.

So how do we do this?  Let’s start immediately upon waking, because this is where it all begins.  You set the tone for the day first thing in the morning as you awake. 

Most of us fumble for our smartphones to turn the alarm off and are pummeled with the all the messages, emails, and reminders alerting us of all our responsibilities for the day.  Panic sets in, whether you are aware of it or not.  An underlying panic will affect the flow of your day, every day, unless you consciously decide otherwise.

I still use my iPhone’s alarm, and set it on the delicate little twinkle sound so I’m woken peacefully.  Choosing a soothing sound will positively contribute to calmness in the morning.  I press “stop” on the alarm and immediately turn my phone over so that I do not see the messages.  If I do see a message, I tell myself, “let that go, it can wait until I’m in the right mindset to deal with it.”

My morning routine, step-by-step

  1. Turn off alarm

  2. Immediately put phone down

  3. Open the curtains

  4. Stand in the daylight, stretch my arms up over my head, and thank the sun for a new day

  5. Return to sit on my bed with feet on the floor (helps to ground your mind and body)

  6. Close my eyes and take 3 deep breaths

  7. Spend at least 1 minute giving thanks for all the blessings in my life ("I am thankful for my healthy body.  I am thankful for my safe home.  I am thankful for my family and their unconditional love.  I am thankful for me.)

  8. Set an intention to be thankful for the people and places I cross paths with today

  9. Start the day!

Here’s a trick – Set a second alarm for 5-10 minutes later so you can stay on schedule and won’t be preoccupied wondering what time it is.

I encourage you to start your own practice of thankfulness in the morning.  You can use the steps I outlined, or create your own morning routine of giving thanks.  Notice how it changes your mood and the course of your day.

Practice giving thanks for the next 7 mornings.  

How do you feel? 

Did you notice any changes in your mood?  

Please share your feedback in the comments section!

Thank you for reading.