3 Benefits of Attending a Women's Circle


Women’s circles are becoming increasing popular. Rightfully so. They can, at their best, be incredibly transformative and healing events.

I attended my first women’s circle in Los Angeles in 2014. It met many of my personal stereotypes of being a hippie gathering in the grass.

However, I was intrigued by the idea of women coming together to connect in a purposeful way.

To create the community we all say we want, but rarely ever experience.

I set off to create my own women’s circles that women would really benefit from. That were accessible, relatable, and created a transformative experience.

Now, I’ve attended a range of women’s circles… a few were transformative, and some were not what I was looking for.

There’s no rule book for Women’s Circles, but I l’ve learned a heck of a lot over the years about how to make it worth your while.

Privacy, structure, engagement, to name a few. Helps that I’ve been a classroom teacher and a professionally certified and practicing wellness coach.

I’ve facilitated my own circles for over 3 years now.

Here are 3 of the many benefits of attending a Women’s Circle that I’ve discovered:

1. Safety to express yourself without judgment

The entire premise of a women’s circle is to create a safe space where you can speak your truth and feel your emotions.

It is a far different experience than the gossip and judgment that creep into wine nights and coffee dates (even with the best of intentions).

There’s a unique relaxation you feel when you’re in a space where you can be yourself.

2. Intentional self-reflection

Self-reflection is easy to bypass or minimize when you’re alone.

But when you’re in a gathering of other women being guided to reflect, you can go deeper into your self-reflection. And create shifts and realizations you may not have otherwise.

As I say, “when two or more women gather, the intention is amplified.”

3. Heal comparison and competition

In our current world, it’s natural to compare yourself and see other women as your competition. There’s social, economic, and familial conditioning around it.

Not in a women’s circle, though.

I open my women’s circles with a brief guided meditation where I remind women that there is “no one above or below in the circle.

When done well, a women’s circle can heal feelings of comparison and competition.

Where fear and separation turn into connection and togetherness.

"When we’re in a setting where we’re not going to compete with each other, there’s a hormonal response that we’re safe." - Sarah Waxman

These are just 3 of the benefits of a women’s circle. To experience these and more, join the next online Women’s Circle here.


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